ONCE Summery

First, Felix had parents but then he joined an orphanage because the Nazis were hunting Jews. Then, he got a carrot which is a very rare thing in the orphanage. The Nazis came to the orphanage and burned Jewish books. The boy and his family is Jewish. But then, Felix had escaped the orphanage to find his parents because he believed his parents were alive.


Week 2 Discussion Director of Group 2

1. What do you think the Releasing room would be like? What would happen in there? If you were to stand in front of it, what would you see?

2. Do you think that Gabriel is like Jonas? Why? Also could Jonas almost got released when he was born because he’s like Gabriel?

3. Who do you think the Old is? Are they the same as the Elders? Why?

4. Do you think that the release of Roberto is a happy event? Why would you think that?

5. Do you think that the job Birthmother is a good job? Why do you think that Lily’s mother didn’t let her think about being a Birthmother?


I am bad at basketball but I want to be good at basketball as a pro athlete.

I am smart but I want to be a genius.

I am a lazy person but I want to be active all the time.

I have some basketball shoes but I want more because they look good.

I am lonely but I want more friends

I am human but I want to be a godlike being.

I have bad eyes but I want the eyes where I can see people from 500 miles.

I am me but I want to be Skrillex and other music makers.

My Prediction of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”

This is my prediction of the story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”. I predicted that “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” is about a guy who desires everything but achieves nothing. I learned that daydreaming makes you feel like you filled the void in your life so I think that Walter Mitty has a lot of voids in his life that he needs to fill. In class, we learned about the Snoopy comic. In the comic, Snoopy writes about a character. The character was lonely, sad, unloved and he had no friends. He died lonely, unloved and friendless. That’s why I predicted that Walter Mitty is a guy who is friendless who daydreams a lot about filling is void. In class, we learned about “5 facts about daydreaming”. In that article, there is a fact where you forget things when you daydream so I think that Walter Mitty is a forgetful person and he always forget a lot of things to do and always find himself elsewhere. I think Walter Mitty would daydream everyday, when he interacts with something he daydreams. And I think that the title is named “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”is to point out that his secret life is his life in his daydreams.